
 Our egg - Your future

We offer you a way of leaving a trace. A DNA trace.

DNA is the basic code that predestinates who we are.

DNA conservation is a challenging task. Its goal is to preserve your unique genetic sequence for unlimited time. The sooner you do it the better, but it is never late. The technology is available for you at this very moment. 

Your DNA can be used in the future for the treatment of your health problems. The genome has been read, but only in the future we will know all the characteristics of genes and their combinations. The current situation is that we can read the separate letters and their sequences. We even know some words, but the real development will come in near future and our knowledge will evolve further. 

We will be able to replace the damaged DNA parts with copies from the preserved information from the past. Also, our children can use their DNA and compare it with the parents one to reveal the risks of hereditary detriments. Medical procedures and technologies we cannot yet imagine will be available in the future.

One thing can be said already –  those who are ready will have the possibilities. The others will experience them in a much smaller extent as they will not have the necessary original information from the undamaged DNA.

In other words: if you are not ready, you will not be able to benefit from these new technologies.

Sight Vision s.r.o.  2019